Project MKULTRA - They Lied
Abstract: Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s covert mind-control program, began in 1953 and operated throughout the 1960s. Evidence from a number of sources, including the transcripts from the Church Committee hearings (1975), and several news reports uncovered the atrocities of the program. One victim of MKULTRA described the effects of his treatment (for falsely diagnosed psychosomatic leg pain) as “mental rape.” These therapies ranged from electroshock, to being unwittingly drugged with LSD. The Church Committee found that these horrific events were not isolated, but rather conducted within universities, research foundations, and even prisons. The Washington Post later editorialized that lawsuits were filed to force the government to take responsibility for its culpability in the systematic torture of civilians. It became evident that ethics were abridged holistically, displaying a complete malpractice of medicine and science to further the national interest. This essay is relevant because it bares similarity to recent governmental abuses of power uncovered by Edward Snowden, once again displaying that governmental lucidity is imperative for the rights and freedoms of the American people to be sustained. The atrocities of the past must serve as admonitions, and MKULTRA provides compelling evidence against unwarranted trust in governmental operations.
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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
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